How to Hire the Right Staffing Agency

Finding the right staffing agency is a lot like finding the right employee – it takes a tiny amount of luck, a little bit of investigating and a whole lot of diligence. And, just like with hiring, making the wrong choice can cost money, time and have disastrous results on your company’s bottom line and work environment. Here are some key factors to keep in mind when deciding between staffing agencies:

Are They Experts in Your Industry?

Extensive job market expertise is a vital component of a good staffing agency, especially when you’re in a competitive industry or region, or dealing with a talent shortage. Make sure that the agency you are considering has a good reputation, is familiar with your competitors and fluent in the current hiring landscape specific to your market. Choose a recruiting agency that you trust as a strategic advisor for your company. Recruiters should provide you with useful and enlightening information that makes you more informed, even before you hire them. Did you learn anything new the first time you met with them? If not, continue your search.

Beware of High and Low Cost Options

Recruiting agencies vary widely on cost and that can be one of the most frustrating and confusing aspects of finding the right staffing partner. Keep in mind that like most things, you get what you pay for. Hiring the cheapest agency just to save money will cost you more in the long run when you have to make up for a bad hire. However, choosing an agency just because they’re expensive doesn’t necessarily translate into quality recruiters that are experts in the industry. Ensure the recruiting agency that you ultimately partner with has advanced recruiting strategies, experience working with your industry and deep roots in the professional community in your region.

Don’t Just Look for a Recruiter, Look for a Partner

One benefit of working with a skilled recruiting firm is they will become an extension of your human resources team. A good recruiter can anticipate your hiring needs while understanding the intricacies of your business and work environment. After you identify a recruiting firm, you want to be sure you can work with them for years to come. That’s why it’s important to hire a staffing agency with a low turnover rate. Ask them what their turnover rate is and how many veteran recruiters they have on their team. If your staffing agency can’t keep their employees, can they really help you keep yours? One way to tell the difference between a partner and a recruiter is that a partner will want to learn everything about your organization and your growth goals. A partner asks you how you would like a candidate to fit into your workplace environment, rather than simply asking about a specific hire. A partner takes the time to talk with you and your team to select the right candidates for your review, instead of simply sending you dozens of resumes that you have to assess. And maybe the most telling – a recruiter will work with anyone, whereas a partner will be just as selective about their clients as you are about your new staffing agency.

Are you considering VanderHouwen as your next staffing agency? Talk to us about our services, what makes us different, and how we can help you achieve your business goals.