Online Resources to Level Up Your Career

We all know the best way to progress in your career is to practice and improve your skills. Classes, seminars, and workshops are great ways to do it, but what if you need a flexible schedule for learning? Don’t worry, you can learn online at your own pace! We’ve compiled a list of the best online resources to help you progress in your skills in a way that fits your schedule. **As a note, not all these resources are free, but many are! General Topics A little something for everyone! These resources have courses ranging anywhere from interviewing etiquette and business leadership to programming and computer science. With many websites offering professional and life skills as well as arts and humanities courses, the choices are endless.
  • Knowledge City: Free courses from clear communication to Microsoft basics.
  • Skilled: Mock interviews and career mentorship for those affected by COVID-19.
  • Alison: Free courses in IT, science, health, and lifestyle including mental health, graphic design, entrepreneurship, marketing, and more.
  • Upwork: Includes both webinars and courses related to freelancing.
  • HubSpot Academy: For those in digital advertising and marketing, HubSpot Academy has free self-paced courses, including some certification options.
  • Coursera: Courses from leading colleges and universities, Coursera even facilitates some Bachelors and Masters degrees.
  • edX: Non-profit offering free courses in IT, engineering, business, and project management from top universities.
  • LinkedIn Learning: Courses on critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and even foundational training on SAP financials and accounting. Now combined with LinkedIn Learning, Lynda offers courses in design, programming foundations, and even photography!
  • FutureLearn: With free and paid courses, learn to code by building your own mobile game or level up your Human Resources and business knowledge.
  • MIT’s OpenCourseWare: A free collection of MIT courses spanning the entirety of MIT’s curriculum, from deep learning and computational thinking to chemistry. These courses include lecture notes, readings, and course materials available for download in a multitude of subjects.
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  • Skillshare: A great way to upgrade your creative skills, Skillshare offers courses in marketing, productivity, and even illustration and graphic design programs like Adobe Photoshop.
  • Masterclass: With subjects ranging from government and technology to arts and humanities, Masterclass allows you to take courses directly from pioneers in their fields.
  • Udacity: Offers course paths in programming and development, AI, cloud computing, data science, business, and autonomous systems. Also offers interview prep videos for front-end, machine learning, and more.
Technology Are you ready to dive into new software or upgrade your skills in coding? It’s not uncommon for developers or coders to be self-taught. Bootcamps and online courses are a great way to learn if traditional education isn’t an option.
  • General Assembly: Offering both free and paid courses in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, General Assembly also has a YouTube channel for additional learning.
  • Codeacademy: Free courses on coding and web development. Codeacademy also has career path options that allow beginners to build the skill sets needed for positions like Full Stack Engineer by creating projects using those new skills.
  • Pluralsight: Learn Angular, JavaScript, Core Python, and C#, and more.
  • Academic Earth: Offering courses from accounting to the humanities.
  • Khan Academy: Though most subjects Khan offers are for younger students, they do have coding and computing programs ranging from introductory to advanced courses in JS, SQL, and HTML/CSS.
  • Security Innovation: More resources for online cybersecurity learning.
Languages Have you always wanted to learn a new language or want to freshen up in a language you already know? Use these websites (and apps!) to help you gain a more secure knowledge in the language of your choice.
  • Babbel: 13 languages from Spanish to Turkish to Indonesian.
  • Rosetta Stone: 25 languages including Mandarin, Farsi, Arabic, and English.
  • Busuu: 12 languages from French to Polish to Japanese. Busuu also allows you to practice your new skills with native speakers worldwide.
  • Forever Fluent: 10 languages from Korean to German to Mandarin.
  • Duolingo: 37 languages, including Hebrew, Finnish, and even Klingon.

Want to expand your learning opportunities by meeting new people? Expand your connections with virtual networking.